If you are using the Center Split Menu layout and you have a delay issue with the menu appearance, please follow this article.
This menu layout is the only Uncode's menu that needs JavaScript to be positioned; it's necessary to perform a calculation to retrieve the exact position based on the menu items and possible additional icons such as social, search and WooCommerce cart. The menu should in any case appear immediately on the page, but if you use extra plugins or you load lot of resources, however, you may have problems of delay.
To avoid this problem you can copy the CSS code below and insert it in the Theme Options → CSS. Change the value 'left' with the value, created by Uncode JavaScript, which you find in the code of your page (inspect the page with the Developer Tools as screenshot above). If you have trouble retrieve the right value please contact our support.
@media (min-width: 960px) { .hmenu-center-split #masthead > .menu-container { opacity: 1 !important; } .hmenu-center-split .navbar-main > ul { left: 27px !important; /* <-- adjust this value */ } }
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