If you have a problem with the registration, we invite you to contact our Support Team, in the meantime, you can find in this article some of the most common causes including the use of firewalls, the use of 'coming soon' plugins or authentication services that alter the standard WordPress login.
Registration Issues
Product registration occurs online, which means you’ll need a stable internet connection for the process to complete successfully. In addition, other services that require authentication, 'coming soon' plugins, and firewall services can block or alter normal access to your WordPress installation, causing problems with the registration process. If you encounter an issue (for example, if you receive an error such as: "There was a problem contacting the Envato API server for purchase code verification"), please carry out the following steps.
Disable Authentication Services
First, make sure you don't have any active services that require authentication through your WordPress installation. These services block access to your server without a specific username and password, which means you won’t be able to communicate with external servers for the registration process. These types of services are not a requirement for WordPress to function, nor should disabling them compromise your site’s security. However, you'll likely have to contact your web host in order to deactivate them, screenshot.
Disable Firewalls
You'll also want to make sure there are no active firewalls on your server, or any firewall extensions running on your browser. An application firewall controls input, output, and/or access from, to, or by an application or service. It works by monitoring and potentially blocking activity that does not meet the firewall's requirements. In addition, sometimes theme activation is not possible due to a "cURL Firewall" or Envato API outage. If this occurs, our server will not be able to retrieve your information from Envato.
Disable browser extensions
If your registration does not work this could be due to the use of blocking ad extensions in your browser such as AdBlocker and similars. These extensions also block communication between servers that is necessary for the proper completion of the registration process. So deactivate extensions, or try Incognito Mode or another browser you probably already have installed.
Disable Coming Soon or Maintenance Mode Plugins
The use of "Coming Soon" or "Maintenance Mode" plugins can interfere with normal access to your WordPress installation. These tools can also block communication with our registration verification server. If you use one or more of these plugins, please disable them during the registration procedure.
Verify you have an updated cURL module
Please verify if your host is offering you an updated cURL module. Few issues with Product Registration not working were related to an out of date cURL module. You can verify your cURL module version with the WP Server Stats plugin and compare with the cURL version of the cURL Release table. If you have an old version and your host cannot update your cURL module, you can workaround using this code in your Child Theme: Cipher suites hack.
Verify if your host is blocking connections
You may want to check with your host to see if they are blocking connections to external domains. If that's the case, please ask them to whitelist the Undsgn server ("api.undsgn.com").
Verify you are compliant with the WP Memory Limit
Although this cause is rare, you may want to check that you are compliant with the Server Requirements for WP Memory Limit in your System Status.
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