From Uncode 2.3.0, it is possible to use the first Row of the page as a header. To do this, simply activate the dedicated option in Page Options → Header → First Row, screenshot .
Please note that special functions reserved and available when using a header, such as the Transparent Menu, are not active if one of the header methods is not selected. Only the first Row of the page is not a header. In fact, in Uncode if you do not use a header, the menu cannot be transparent. This is an Uncode safe-reset to prevent a possible Transparent Menu from overlapping page contents. So if you need a real page header, remember to activate the option Page Options → Header → First Row, or use one of the other header options.
Note on background color
If your Row changes background color when you set the Page Options → Header → First Row option, it is because you haven’t set any Row background. Technically the first Row is moved into the header section and is no longer part of the page content area (which is generally white). In a few words, the background you saw was the background of the page. Please remember to give your first Row a background color, screenshot .
Do not underestimate the Content Block header
Many creators prefer to use the Content Block method for better content structuring and ease of use at an organizational level. Consider that having the header editor separate from the page allows you to focus on the design of the header itself, which often differs from that of the page content. Moreover, this option is necessary if you need to create a dynamic header to be used as a multi-page design matrix. Don't underestimate the possibility of creating your header in a dedicated Content Block.
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