The Content Block is a unique Uncode feature. It is not found in any other theme. It is basically a WordPress custom post type.
This feature gives the website designer the ability to use Uncode WPBakery Page Builder to create and store sections of content that can then be integrated into other pages and used across the site. If for example, you want to create content for a header or a footer, navigate to Content Block > Add New and once a new post is created, give it a name. Then you can create a row or multiple rows just you will normally do on a page. If your objective is to create a native slider for a header, just add a single Content Slider in the content and build within it. Once the content is ready and published, you will be able to choose it from the Theme Options dropdown Content Block inside the Header and Footer option, inside the Page Options, and inside the special Uncode WPBakery Page Builder module.
The Content Block can be used to create:
- Headers: In Uncode, instead of being dependent on plugins like Slider Revolution (plugins are still included in the package), we prefer to use the Content Block to create a header. This allows using Uncode WPBakery Page Builder to create the header, and gives you all the tools you would normally use to create page content and content sections. In addition to having an infinite number of page-building possibilities, content segments are more closely integrated into the page and is accomplished without the use of plugins.
- Archive layouts: In Uncode, you can style your layouts for archive pages (categories, tags, search) using a Content Block. With this unique approach you can style pages with all the options you have when working with the Uncode WPBakery Page Builder Posts module.
- Footer Widgets: With Content Block, it is easy to create a classic footer widget area by creating a row of content and inserting the content or design elements you want. Any type of content such, as a call to action area, or a section with parallax can be added. The content does not have to consist of widgets..
- Page Fragments: The Page Fragment feature allows you to use Uncode WPBakery Page Builder to create repeatable content portions of multiple pages and have the change applied on all pages where you insert the module.
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