What happens?
When you buy an item on ThemeForest, you have 6 or 12 months of support included, based on your purchase plan option. Unfortunately, your license has expired, and you can no longer access support services. This is the Envato policy for the support you have accepted when buying your item on ThemeForest. As top-author, we are required to strictly comply with the official Envato policy that is in the marketplace's own interest. We hope you are wise to understand and not accuse the authors. To reactivate your license, please follow the options below.
Support options
Renew support. To reactivate your support, log in to your ThemeForest marketplace account, navigate to the 'Uncode - WordPress Theme' page and choose one of the item support to renew options.
Buy a new license. If you plan to build more websites with Uncode, it is much more cost-effective to purchase an additional license (with support included) instead of extending the first license.
Important note. Requests for support sent to other emails, social media & through the wall of generic comments of the Uncode page will not be addressed. Please understand that the support fee is required from ThemeForest and is a contribution to the work.
Is this an error? If you have a valid and not expired support license for Uncode and you see this page by error, please try to delete your browser's cookies or try to login with another browser with the manual mode.
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