Unlike other themes that have presets to select from, Uncode is based on a unique system that allows you to mix 100+ options without limitation to create your own settings. This is more of a tool than it is a module, and it creates unlimited possibilities.
This section describes the main elements and aspects of the Uncode WPBakery Page Builder with images and descriptions. Working knowledge of the different areas, icons and tools included, will enable you to quickly build beautiful pages with our Uncode WPBakery Page Builder.
- Title: Enter the text you will use as a widget title. Leave the space blank if no title is needed.
- Unique ID: The value entered here must be unique. Change it if needed, screenshot.
- Module Grid: Use this option to specify the Grid mode, screenshot.
- Module Carousel: Use this option to specify the Carousel mode, screenshot.
- Module Justify: Use this option to specify the Justify Gallery (only for Media Gallery), screenshot.
- Grid Layout modes
- Masonry: This layout option places elements like a mason fits stones in a wall
- Fit rows: This layout mode arranges items in rows. The rows progress vertically.
- Cells by rows: This is a grid-type layout where items are centered inside individual cells (the bigger image needs to be placed as first).
- Vertical: In this layout option, the items are arranged vertically.
- Packery: The Packery layout mode uses a bin-packing algorithm.
- Query (only for Posts), screenshot :
- Post types: Use this option to specify post types to populate posts. If no post type is selected, WordPress will use the default value.
- Post count: Enter the number of teasers to show. Enter a number or the word “All”.
- Order by: Use this field to select how to sort retrieved posts.
- Sort order: Designate whether posts are to be listed in ascending or descending order.
- Categories: Use this field to filter output by post categories; enter the category names in this field.
- Tags: Use this field to Filter output by posts tags; enter the tag names here.
- Taxonomies: Use this field to filter output by custom taxonomy categories; enter the category names here.
- Selective Elements: Use this field to customize the output. Only posts/pages that are entered will be included in the output. Note: This option works in conjunction with selected “Post types”.
- Author: Use this field to filter posts/pages by author name(s).
- Media (Media Gallery Module)
- Upload Media: Use this option to specify images from the media library.
- Posts Offset: Enter the number of posts that should be skipped at the beginning of the query. Please note that it's not possible to use with the Filtering if combined also with the Pagination mode.
- Dynamic Query: Use the WordPress native query for that context as Content Block for categories, taxonomies, tags, search results, and authors. Note that when you enable this option, the default WordPress query for a specific type of page is used, and the options of the Build Query tab are not taken into account, screenshot.
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