Uncode is frequently updated with new features, bug fixes, and improvements.
Change Log (2024/11/06)
ADD: - Lightbox enabled by default with native WordPress galleries - SmoothScroll Safe option FIX: - Text module and Dynamic Content in Content Blocks - Parallax thumbnails on tablets in landscape view - Lateral layout responsiveness - Placeholder Text with hyphenation plugins - Dynamic SrcSet background images with portrait ratio
- WPML translate background Medias in Page Builder Rows and Columns
- WPML translate Lightbox Medias in Page Builder Buttons - Various PHP fixes UPDATES: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.7.21 (2024/10/30)
ADD: - WooCommerce 9.4.0 compatibility - New gradient Dividers - Marquee Blurred Margins option IMPROVEMENTS: - New underlined link style class - Marquee Freeze options - Dynamic Featured image in Content Blocks FIX: - Vertical aligned content and Posts Lateral layout - Marquee with Lateral layout - Section Background images - Automatic Videos with Infinite Load More - Text Marquee speed on mouse out - Marquee and Automatic videos - Smooth Scroll couldn't reach the bottom of the page in some cases - Various minor PHP issues - Active lateral Submenu on page loading - Fullscreen shortcuts conflict between Safari and Vimeo videos in Lightbox - Editor UI: numeric sliders, inner Tabs, Safari 18 rendering UPDATES: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.7.20 - Uncode Wireframes 1.7.1 (2024/09/17)
FIX: - Fixed broken shortcode on the homepage in Demo Import - Adjusted Quick View auto height - Disabled body scroll on Quick View with Smoothscroll - Fixed missing post Excerpt error message - Resolved Heading Inline Images issue in hidden Rows - Stopped Magnetic effect Background from propagating to images inside Rows - Fixed issue with Automatic Videos and Load More feature UPDATES: - Uncode Core
2.9.1 (2024/09/11)
ADD: - Columns Height Justify (Bento Grids) - Posts and Media Gallery Marquee - Parallax on Rows and Sections content - Smoothscroll - Menu Blur Background - WooCommerce 9.3.0 compatibility FIX: - Fix fatal error with Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order plugin - Fix PHP warning when 'template' key is not set - Hover button state on linked Columns - Lightgallery generated a loop when filtering categories - Image aspect ratio for inline images with Adaptive Async - Line breaking with text indent option UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.9.1 - Wireframes Plugin 1.7.0 - Revolution Slider 6.7.18 - LayerSlider 7.12.3 (2024/08/13)
ADD: - WooCommerce 9.2.0 compatibility FIX: - Add the ability to change the 'Add to Cart' text for 'Out of Stock' variable products via hook - Prevent multiple requests when filtering via Ajax - Add the ability to disable double tap on default templates via hook - Show the original URL for 5k images in the Media Library - Dynamic Background in Content After - Dividers extra pixel - Text Marquee initialization - Titles layout animation and position fixed - Inline Images in Content Sliders UPDATES: - Uncode Core - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.8 - Revolution Slider 6.7.17 (2024/07/08)
ADD: - WooCommerce 9.1.0 compatibility - Font-clamp available on Default Font Size FIX: - Menu Center Sticky - Not dynamic Header Background Image - Anchor Scroll position - Scroll Trigger with Carousel, grids or other elements above with not fix height - Nested Tabs - Star Icons on WooCommerce reviews - Close Icon on Lightbox - Dividers extra pixels - Secondary Images visibility on Mobile - BigText re-calculation - Live Search on widgets - Active Submenus on vertical Menus - Better Parallax initialization - Border Radius on Secondary Featured Image - Post Titles z-index on iPad - Remove Navbar with vertical Menus UPDATES: - Uncode Core - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.7.2 - Revolution Slider 6.7.14 (2024/06/12)
FIX: - Headings alignment - Icon Lists alignment (2024/06/11)
- Autosave on Frontend Editor
FIX: - Headings font size - Headings overflow with small line-height values - Tinymce in WPBakery Page Builder modules - Row height with Centered Menu - Admin bar margin on Frontend Editor when inserting Wireframes - Ajax Filters margin issue - Tabs on hover UPDATES: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.7.13
2.9.0 (2024/06/04)
ADD: - WooCommerce 9.0.0 compatibility - Column Justify Vertical Alignment - Heading with Inline Images - New fluid and custom Font Size features - Expand Toggle - Marquee new options - Carousel/Slider Navigation module - Pricing and Hours List module - Stars Rating - Heading Stroke, Indent and Blend Modes - Backgrounds Multiple (slideshow, scroll, mouse) - Animated Overlay effect - Special Cursor Tooltip - Align last element of thumbnails to bottom - Popup Maker Support - 200 New Wireframes - Ability to add a custom class to the Posts Module buttons - Experimental Beta Class for Rotating Content FIX: - Uncode Privacy register logs with cache plugins - Ajax Filters with custom sidebar UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.9.0 - Uncode Wireframe 1.6.0 - Uncode Privacy 2.2.4 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.6 - Revolution Slider 6.7.12 - LayerSlider 7.11.1
2.8.15 (2024/05/13)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.9.0 compatibility IMPROVEMENTS: - Markup validation improvements - Bold tags in Vertical Tabs Excerpts FIX: - `Uncode Placeholder` text - Fix rating field (Ninja Forms) - AJAX Filters ordering improvements - Fix PHP error (YOAST sitemap) - Sticky Scroll with Body Frame - Vimeo in Lightbox and fullscreen mode - Product Gallery and RTL - Lists Font Size in the Text module - Caption in Lightbox with Read More on Posts Module UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.15 - Revolution Slider 6.7.10
2.8.14 (2024/04/10)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.8.0 compatibility IMPROVEMENTS: - Implemented a hook to show the parent product image when variations are not available - Introduced a filter to handle cases where dynamic content is empty. - Scrollable max height for MegaMenu via hook ('uncode_scrollable_megamenu') FIX: - Hide "In Stock" badge when opting to display only "Out of Stock" items - Prevent trailing slash if link is a mailto - Added option to hide secondary image on mobile for Posts module - Display Dynamic Featured and Secondary images in Content Block After Content - Corrected typo in placeholder product information - Max height of Submenu - Fixed issue with Borders, Shadows, and custom Column width - Padding on Accordions on mobile - Indented and wrapped Icon Lists - Mobile min-height on Columns now allows other units besides pixels - Resolved dependency between aspect ratio and item height on Media Gallery and Posts Module UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.14 - Revolution Slider 6.7.1 - LayerSlider 7.10.1
2.8.13 (2024/03/19)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.7.0 compatibility IMPROVEMENTS: - Hyphenation improvements FIX: - Responsive Tabs - Frontend Builder on single Portfolio items without content - PHP 5.6 fixes - Apple Pay gateway CSS fix - Submenu enhancements available without Shadow option - Content Slider limit width on Frontend Builder - Counters on Frontend Builder - Sticky elements flickering when switching between Tabs - Menu max height with Mega Menu - Video iFrames on Safari - Scrolling coefficient for Submenus higher than browser window - Scrollable Megamenu filter - Vertical Menu and page scroll - Privacy text line breaks in Lightbox - Posts Titles image size on Mobile - Privacy Plugin consent with iFrames and Lightboxes - Animated Text in Content Slider with loop option - Dropdown Menu with Off-Canvas variation - YouTube nocookie in Lightboxes - Radius and shadow with border width in Page Builder - Download option in Lightbox - Column Equal Height on Mobile - VC Clipboard and Revolution Slider preview compatibility - Cloned element IDs on Page Builder UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.13 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.5 - Google Fonts list
2.8.12 (2024/02/15)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.6.0 compatibility - WPBakery SEO options - jQuery 3.7.1 compatibility FIX: - Full height Rows on Instagram and Facebook mobile browsers - Icon Box inline width - Active item on Vertical Menu on first scroll - Frontend Builder first Row commands visibility - LightGallery close Icon on mobile - LightGallery and Infinite Loading - Carousels Webkit animations - Default value on Single Image with Dynamic option - Lottie animations alignments - Titles layout with background option on mobile - Tap issue with animated borders for Buttons on mobile - Loading Icon in Posts Module Single tab - Post Categories highlighted in main Menu - Removed text placeholder - Google Maps deprecated warning - Random ID consistency for SVG logos - Custom order in Product Categories module - Variations gallery when Ajax is disabled - Initialize WooCommerce categories dropdown after filtering via Ajax - Use default shortcodes in WooCommerce pages - Product Zoom on single Product Swatches - PHP 8 various fixes UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.12 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.4 - LayerSlider 7.9.9 - Google Fonts list
2.8.11 (2024/01/09)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.5.0 compatibility - PHP 8.2 compatibility FIX: - Body frame on Firefox - Position of Menu badges on mobile devices - Showing the price of the parent product when no variations are available - Aria labels for site Logo and Social Icons - Pagination with single variations - Custom filter label on mobile - Schema issues on blog comments UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.11 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.2 (2023/12/21)
FIX: - Background videos on Safari UPDATES: - Revolution Slider 6.6.20
2.8.10 (2023/12/20)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.4.0 compatibility - Lighbox Skin for Product Gallery IMPROVEMENTS: - HTML5 video now downloadable from LightGallery - Navbar height adjustment on real web font size - Loaded image after filtering (Ajax Filters) FIX: - Titles layout space between elements - Position of the Chevron Icons on mobile Menu - Zoom on Single product carousel - Padding on Firefox on edge cases - SVG thumbs ratio - Background videos on Firefox with Android devices - Decimal values for Carousel items Media Gallery - Dropdown Menu taller than the window - Secondary Featured Image on mobile devices - Date filter label (Ajax Filters) - PHP error on Table layout - PHP error in Single Media module UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.10 - Revolution Slider 6.6.19 - Layer Slider 7.9.5 (2023/11/22)
FIX: - Missing images in Media Library
2.8.9 (2023/11/22)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Prevent options overwrite when using custom Wishlist (Premium) - Google Maps deprecated warnings FIX: - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) - Arbitrary File Deletion vulnerability - Privilege Escalation vulnerability - Half item numbers in Carousels - Post Author in Ajax Filters - Draft posts on Frontend builder - Side-Cart overflow - Gallery filter on Content Blocks editor - Single variations query - Ajax Filters query - Carousel in single portfolio (Split JS) UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.9
2.8.8 (2023/11/14)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.3.0 compatibility - Discord icon FIX: - Secondary image on mobile - Lightbox from Icon Box module in Content Slider UPDATES: - Layer Slider 7.9.5
2.8.7 (2023/11/08)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.2.0 compatibility - Adaptive Images and WP 6.4 compatibility - Square Instagram icon IMPROVEMENTS: - Font Observer script removed if not necessary - Checkout loading idicator - Display Lightbox close button on Mobile via hook FIX: - Self-hosted videos as Row backgrounds on Post Titles layout - Sticky element and Navbar calculation - Metro layout and automatic videos - Attributes archive pagination - Pagination on Product attribute archives - Excluded attributes with Single Product Variations UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.7 - Revolution Slider 6.6.18
2.8.6 (2023/10/05)
ADD: - New Google Fonts - WhatsApp in Share module - Twitter-X Icon variant IMPROVEMENTS: - Custom CSS and JS indicator for WPBakery Page Builder - UI Icons on WPBakery Frontend Builder - Deprecated PHP warnings - Marquee initialization - WP Rocket LazyLoad for Images option - Prevent PHP Fatal Error in Single Media (edge cases) FIX: - WPML fix for custom link in Posts Module Single tab - Disabled Menu option and Menu Centered Split - Titles layout on Mobile - Sticky Element and Transparent Menu - Shift-X on Mobile for Inner Columns - Ajax Filters prevent unfiltered query UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.6
2.8.5 (2023/09/12)
ADD: - WooCommerce 8.1.0 compatibility - Twitter-X square Icon IMPROVEMENTS: - WebP as Featured Image in loops - Sorting by meta key on Posts module - Search form space in vertical Menus - Sticky element refresh inside Tabs FIX: - Font size for Buttons in Navbar Menu - Marquee left to right stopped after first cycle - Filter Menu vertical align - Post type issue on Product loop - Secondary Image with Metro layout - Content Block and 404 issue with split resources - Progress Bar Max Value - Off-Grid first step on Mobile devices - Multiple background video with Safari native Media Player - Ajax Filters on Taxonomy archives UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.5 - Revolution Slider 6.6.16
2.8.4 (2023/08/23)
ADD: - Single Variations feature on Upsell products - Option to remove WooCommerce Blocks styles IMPROVEMENTS: - Fix multiselect relation of product Attributes (Ajax Filters) - Carousels height on Safari mobile - Click event on the Search icon - Lottie module when empty on Frontend Editor - Navigation on mobile for Single Product carousels - Make custom login page translatable with WPML FIX: - Secondary image with Metro layout in edge cases - Default product gallery from Product Gallery module - Sticky Scroll position with lateral Menu - Sticky Scroll thumbs height when disabled on mobile devices - Menu icons on Single Product page on mobile devices - Search Dropdown on mobile devices with desktop Center Menu active - Default Menu on mobile issue in edge cases - GoPay plugin unexpected on checkout page - Prevent duplicated variation gallery settings whit WooCommerce Warranty Requests - Off-Canvas Variation Menu with Filter sidebar - Off-Canvas Variation Menu shadow UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.4 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 7.0
2.8.3 (2023/08/08)
ADD: - Ability to add a link to the Image Attribute element IMPROVEMENTS: - Hook for Klarna Checkout compatibility FIX: - WooCommerce show/hide password - Off-Canvas accordion toggle on submenus - Default Mobile Menu: Sticky position and page scroll UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.3 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.13.1 - Revolution Slider 6.6.15
2.8.2 (2023/07/25)
ADD: - Twitter X Icon - Cart Quantity effect - Ability to insert a custom first term in Ajax filters (selects) IMPROVEMENTS: - Hidden Variations for not published products FIX: - Javascript priorities and dependencies after WooCommerce 2.8.0 - Multiple background Videos Autoplay without MediaElements - Lottie custom Class - Off-Canvas Menu Icon open/close state - Dropdown event when Lateral Menu is active UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.2
2.8.1 (2023/07/17)
ADD: - Threads icon - Scrolling on mobile devices for pages with Tabs module IMPROVEMENTS: - Single Product Gallery navigation dots on mobile devices - Optimised CSS code for new OffCanvas mobile Menu - Maps plugin script FIX: - Product Variations - Product Categories link - Lottie Player size calculation - Conflict between mobile Menu trigger and Search form UPDATES: - LayerSlider 7.7.10
2.8.0 (2023/07/11)
ADD: - 20 New Demo Layouts - Tabs, Vertical Tabs and Accordion features • Custom Excerpt and links in Tab labels • Responsive options • Custom typography • Tab Switcher • Custom colors • Advanced styles (radius, shadows, etc) • Accordion persistent active Panel • Layout width - WooCommerce Variations as Single Products
- Lottie Player animations module
- CSS Grid align Middle and Bottom - Video Autoplay Thumbnails • Short loop Featured Video • Options on hover state (play/pause/frame) - Video options on Lightbox • Autoplay • Mute/Unmute - Off-Canvas Mobile Menu - Off-Canvas Desktop Menu variation - Headings Badge style
- Headings Inline - Images Shapes - HTML tags allowed in Custom Field module - Menu additional Text Area - Tracking Code option in Head tag IMPROVEMENTS: - Firefox video background on Android - Class 'skin-links' to avoid accent color on links - Class 'border-no-width' to avoid border on buttons
- Demo Contents footers are now in page FIX: - Disabling automatic Copyright - Margin for lists with text-lead size - WPML and categories in Post Module UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.8.0 - Uncode Wireframes 1.5.1
2.7.13 (2023/06/14)
ADD: - WooCommerce 7.8.0 compatibility FIX: - Alt text for SVG logos UPDATES: - WPBakery Page Builder Clipboard 5.0.4
2.7.12 (2023/06/07)
FIX: - Text Marquee and Sticky Scroll on Frontend Editor - Product Page module - Featured Image replacemente - Lateral Menu active on load and mouse hover state - Revolution Slider change Skin event - Gutenberg editor Meta Boxes style - Sidecart on mobile - Countdown markup UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.12 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.13.0 (XSS vulnerability) - Uncode Privacy 2.2.3 - Revolution Slider 6.6.14 - LayerSlider 7.7.7
2.7.11 (2023/05/04)
ADD: - WooCommerce 7.7.0 compatibility (upcoming) FIX: - Submenu color Skin was switching with transparent Navbar - Page scroll positions with Overlay Menu - YouTube and Vimeo videos size with Titles layout - WooCommerce Ajax Url variable typo - Swatches hidden in edge cases - Add Multimedia and YouTube shortened URLs containing underscores - Prevent add to cart buttons on category elements
2.7.10 (2023/04/26)
IMPROVEMENTS: - OnePage navigation on wide touch devices - Menu Overlay margins when switching between desktop and mobile - Sticky Menu and transparency issues on Firefox - PHP 8 minor compatibility issues - Hidden not available attributes from swatches - WPML compatibility for video poster and custom links in Posts Module - Ability to include empty categories in the Posts Module query builder - Alphabetically order for Posts Module query builder - Secondary featured image enabled on dynamic Footers - Space option for Progress Bars FIX: - Fix counter on price AJAX filter - Page scrolling position with Lateral Menu - Sticky Menu on mobile when not set - Mobile Menu behaviour and Page scrolling when Overlay menu is set on desktop - Slideshow in Lightbox starting with a video - Relative URLs for background images - Image sizes in Top Bar - Zoom on products with swatches - Right thumb when variations are displayed in the loop - Support for Amazon S3 CDN new methods - Search results pagination - Sticky Scroll on Safari iOS - Error massages when importing demos - URL with spaces when used as backgrounds on headers - Fix incorrect buttons on WooCommerce category pages - Lateral tabs overlapping on mobile UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.10 - Revolution Slider 6.6.12 - LayerSlider 7.7.1
2.7.9 (2023/02/22)
FIX: - Counter and Waypoints conflict - Post Carousel triggerred after Load More event
2.7.8 (2023/02/20)
ADD: - WooCommerce 7.4.0 compatibility - Contact Form 7 5.7.3 compatibility with Frontend Editor IMPROVEMENTS: - MemberPress and Posts Module compatibility - Product Ajax Filters layout on mobile - Active thumb of single product carousels with variations - Product quantity input field width FIX: - Duplicate content within Lightbox - Javascript error when a logo is missing - Lightbox caption with "Connected Media" option - Mobile dropdown menu position - Hide border menu on mobile - Page scroll position on mobile devices - Custom Cursor with checkboxes - Conflict with YITH Ajax Product Filter - Titles Layout on iPad in landscape mode - Off-Grid Rows problem in edge cases - Conflicts with third party plugins on counter elements - Cart counter did not update under certain circumstances UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.8 - Revolution Slider 6.6.10 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder
2.7.7 (2023/01/16)
ADD: - WooCommerce 7.3.0 compatibility - Filter 'uncode_hide_readonly_qty_input' to hide quantity input - Lightbox deep linking option for Single Media IMPROVEMENTS: - Ajax Filters from sidebar Widgets - Catalog Mode for Variations - BuddyPress compatibility
- MemberPress compatibility
- Events Calendar compatibility - Page scrolling scenarios FIX: - Menu Sticky mobile - RTL Product Carousel - Heading color warning when there's no value - Product Variations Watches with special characters and no latin alphabets - Single product localize params in Yith whislist when "Enable AJAX loading" is active - Lightbox on buttons - Dividers styles - Single Posts with no content but medias and extra plugins active UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.7 - Revolution Slider 6.6.8 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder - LayerSlider 7.6.7
2.7.6 (2022/12/13)
IMPROVEMENTS: - MemberPress compatibility - RTL Ajax Filters - Default video aspect ratio - Product variations optimization - Menu responsiveness on tablets - WPML and Content Blocks saved on Theme Options - Wishlist with Ajax FIX: - Highlighted Background Changer - Sticky grid filter - Sticky mobile Menu - Close button for Search From Dropdown - Slides Scroll and Body Frame - Menu items deleted - WooCommerce Ajax limit and Swatches - Tab horizontal scrolling on mobile - Sticky and Parallax elements re-positioning after changing product variations - Check for CTA menu - DB optimization ADD: - WooCommerce 7.1.1 compatibility UPDATES: - Revolution Slider 6.6.7
2.7.5 (2022/11/03)
IMPROVEMENTS: - MemberPress compatibility
- Variable products performance - YouTube videos params in LightGallery - SVG logos size control - Pricing Tables buttons on mobile - Max Input Vars calculation - Ajax filters parameters - Filter order - Start and End parameters allowed for YouTube videos
- PHP 8 compatibility FIX: - CTA menu vertical border color - LightGallery and RTL sites - Hide empty product categories - WooCommerce default sorting - Links in footer - Product archives and Header Image ratio - Shop page dynamic featured image in header - Social Icons with Off Canvas menu - Custom Post type content - YITH Wishlist lightbox - Up-sells products when using the default template ADD: - WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatibility - `uncode_disable_oembed_preview` filter - `uncode_delete_crop_image` hook - `uncode_after_new_crop` hook UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.5 - Revolution Slider 6.6.5
2.7.4 (2022/10/10)
FIX: - Category filters on Search Page - RSS Widget styles - Lightbox background opacity from Button module - Unexpected output for empty posts on Posts module - Accent Custom Cursor with Dynamic Images and Metro layouts - Custom Cursor responsiveness - Relevanssi - Attribute ID on AJAX Filters module ADD: - WooCommerce 7.0.0 compatibility UPDATES: - Google Fonts list - Uncode Core 2.7.4 - Revolution Slider 6.6.2
2.7.3 (2022/10/03)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Custom Cursor on mobile devices - Add To Cart module - Media alignemnt in Icon Box - Top Bar allowed HTML tags FIX: - Ajax Filters product counter - Ajax Filters slugs and special characters - Removed First Row header from post content in Posts module - Row Off Grid feature - Center Split menu height and logo padding - Scroll to Tab position - Category filters and pagination - CTA menu position - Menu padding with boxed layout UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.3 - Uncode Privacy 2.2.2
2.7.2 (2022/09/20)
IMPROVEMENTS: - 'The Events Calendar' compatibility - Swatches styles - Ability to filter Ajax Filters post query and conform it to WooCommerce's native one FIX: - Slides Scroll and Vimeo background videos - Adaptive and Dynamic srcset breakpoints in meta values - Collasible widgets with hidden titles UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.2
2.7.1 (2022/09/15)
ADD: - Widget title filter IMPROVEMENTS: - 'The Events Calendar' plugin single event output FIX: - Social icons visibility with Center Split Menu - Custom WooCommerce Tracking Form - Vimeo API player issues with Safari macOS UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.1
2.7.0 (2022/09/14)
ADD: - Ajax Filters - Variation Swatches - Additional Variation Images Gallery - Filters with Grid layout - Single Product Grid layout - Single Product lateral thumbs navigation - Ajax add to cart for variable products from the single product page - Variations element for Posts Module - Steps Checkout module - Attribute Image module - Attribute Image element (Posts Module) - Ajax Filter module - Ajax Active Filters module - "Preloader" style for Load More in Posts Module - typography option for the pagination (Posts Module) - responsive option for the inline price element (Posts Module) - Top-Bar Enhanced - Search Dropdown - Padded Menu - Comment Module - Scrolling tabs on mobile - Mobile and Overlay Menu items animation - Hooks for block data (Posts Module) - Stock element for Posts Module - Equal-Height for CSS Grid - Wxtend hover Block option for Posts Module (extends the hover area) - Taxonomy count can now be inline (Posts Module) - Search template imporvements - No products new main Search template options - New wireframes IMPROVEMENTS: - Video lightbox from Icon Box module - Accordion vertical rhythm - Dropdown menu trigger with pen tablets - Top padding mobile normalizer class (.normalise-top-padding-mobile) - Avoid to trigger resize event when scrolling on Safari mobile - Used RevSlider API to switch between nav bar skins - WooCommerce product counter short version - Improved checking of unclosed tags on Backend and Frontend Editor - Collapsable widgets options and responsiveness - Lightbox caption text escape - Grid breakpoints - NavBar vertical borders control - New template for Posts Module when nothing is found - Various fixes and improvements on Ajax related browser history events - Single tab enabled for CSS Grid (re-order only) - Posts title scaling on overlay layouts (Posts Module) - New tab for styles in widget modules FIX: - Product Zoom on mobile - Overlay Menu and Search bar z-index - Message box animation - Icon overlapping between CTA and Overlay menu - StickyScroll position refresh - Wishlist visibility on Frontend Editor - Media Gallery Single Tab - Icon Box text size - Navbar background with Overlay menu open - Lightgallery double trigger - Dynamic featured and secondary images for taxonomies - Lightbox from Quick View - Product archive dynamic Single Media - Redirect page conflict with First Row header option - Share icons on Single Post with split CSS/JS - Media Gallery lightbox deep link - WooCommerce sorting inherits main dropdown menu options - Image size on Icon Box Module - Mobile Menu, in edge cases, pushed down content instead of overlapping - Custom Post Type single post empty space - Undo/Redo on Frontend Editor - Fix for nav/prev Pagination link that were loosing the "post_type" parameter - Fix incorrect product gallery layout when choosing "standard" from Page Options - Fix calculation of the total number of posts with Pagination - Fix sequential animation when using the Pagination of the Posts Module - CSS fixes for Contact Form 7 - Fix "All" count in tax query (Posts Module) - WooCommerce fix: exclude out of stock variations in Posts Module results UPDATES: - Uncode Core 2.7.0 - Revolution Slider 6.5.31 - Uncode Wireframes 1.5.0 - LayerSlider 7.3.0
2.6.3 (2022/09/13)
ADD: WooCommerce 6.9.0 compatibility
2.6.2 (2022/05/04)
FIX: - PHP 7.1 compatibility issue - Repositioning of Sticky Scroll layout after interaction with Accordions or Tabs - 'Advanced' tab dependency for Single Media module - 'Scroll-to' position with Transparent Menu On Scroll - Post Title layout and background overflow on mobile - Fix for dummy content image calculation when width or height are not declared - Shortcode parameters of Demo Content (removed Sticky Column when not needed) UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.6.2 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.9.0 - Slider Revolution 6.5.21
2.6.1 (2022/04/19)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Hook for admin dropdown 'uncode_core_use_text_fields_for_cpt_selects' - Improved license verification FIX: - Lightbox image download name - Avoid opening the Lightbox when dragging carousels - Lightbox and multiple Single Media with the same ID - Variable products and Lightbox refresh - VC Clipboard layout - WPBakery Backend Editor drag and drop issue - Trigger for srcset on Safari - Posts and Media Gallery buttons alignment on mobile - Sticky Menu with Boxed layout
- Revolution Slider 6.5.20
2.6.0 (2022/04/11)
ADD: - New Lightbox - Sticky Scroll - Custom Pattern - CSS Grid - Navigation module - Navigation query for Posts - Transparent menu on scroll with Skin change - Native Media Player option - Sticky Heading - Matrix on Media Gallery - Load More on Media Gallery - Filters on Justified Media Gallery - Semantic Titles for Media Gallery - WooCommerce Default Product Gallery - Fixed Element horizontal option (old Vertical Text) - WooCommerce 4.6.0 compatibility - New Wireframes IMPROVEMENTS: - Theme Options performances - Compatibility of some scripts when jQuery Migrate is disabled - Frontend Editor animations on shortcode updates - Some touch events for old mobile devices - Sticky menu on load - Modules UX on Frontend Editor: Tabs, Buttons, Maps, Accordions - Filter scroll and items animation - New Gutenberg styles and SVGs removed with performance option FIX: - Default color for selects dropdowns (Win issue) - "uncode_transient_users" optimisation - Autoload set to nowhere not necessary - Theme Options optimization when saving and loading - Theme Options and WPML unnecessary filter removed - Optimize CSS selectors for grids - Isotope optimization that prevents from being called unnecessarily - Parallax minor JS improvements - Stripe gateway with Apple Pay payment method - CSS Blockquote - CSS Load More area - WPML with PHP 8.0+ and Horizontal Center Menu - Default value for carousels with PHP 8.0+ - Share issue between Theme Options and Page Options - Album Gallery with Poster video image - Media Library list mode with SVG - Simplify Single Block tab with Metro height - Multiple Posts module with Dynamic Query on the same page - Product filters display issues on mobile devices - Search results content including shortcodes - Dynamic text formatting - Carousel height and vertical alignment - Better targeted product filter selectors to avoid conflicts Main Menu - Single Portfolio and Content Width - Full-screen mode for self-hosted videos in sticky columns - Carousel autoplay in Sticky Columns - Safari and print dialog events - Window resize event issues - Body frame on Safari - Shadows in Titles post layout - Safari mobile and window height (address bar problem) - IE javascript issues - Overlay Menu close icon with Sticky Navbar - Safari and wrong Navbar re-position on scroll to top - Instagram browser and background image width - Icon Box module and SVG images vertical alignment - Color Changer issues: z-index and position detect - Search icon Skin - Overlay text animations - Product quantity in Cart and stock availability - Dropdown menu on top Navbar - Center Double Menu glitch with SVG logos - One Page Scroll navigation - WooCommerce quantity variation width - Highlighted and animated texts - Overlay Blend Mode dependencies - Single Tab on Vc_Gallery - Slider fields on WP Bakery modules - Big Text on Frontend Editor UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.6.0 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.8.0 - Uncode Wireframes 1.4.0 - WPBakery Page Builder Clipboard 5.0.2 - Revolution Slider 6.5.19 - LayerSlider 7.1.3 (2021/01/11)
FIX: - Window resize event - Order received unset global variable - Isotope re-layout after closing print dialog window on Safari - Compatibility between OKVideo and jQuery 3.x - Lateral Menu and 'scrollto' funtions - Off-Canvas Menu and Search overlay issue IMPROVEMENTS: - WooCommerce 6.1.0 support UPDATE: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.5.14 - LayerSlider 7.0.7 (2021/12/14)
ADD: - Privacy Plugin Record Log options FIX: - SVGs in Media Library (Backend) issue - Safari iOS background attachment fixed workaround - Poster thumbnail for videos in Album Galleries - Before and After module (Twentytwenty JS) - Animated icons on Frontend Builder - Social icons on singles in edge cases - Portfolio details placeholder on Frontend Builder - Carousel items width and PHP8 issue in edge cases - Allowed fullscreen mode for self-hosted videos in sticky columns - WooCommerce tabs alignment with split CSS
- Google Fonts list UPDATE: - Uncode Core - Uncode Privacy 2.2.0 - Revolution Slider 6.5.11 - LayerSlider 7.0.5 (2021/11/16)
FIX: - Carousel Auto Height with items not aligned to top - Javascript issue on old versions of iOS - Self-hosted videos with Media Gallery and Single Media with CSS Split - Self-hosted videos on not-exploded Gallery Albums - Post Elements in Single Tab UPDATE: - Uncode Core (2021/11/10)
FIX: - Dynamic Text Block formatting (missing p tag) - Video shortcode with CSS Split - Tags element missing CSS (2021/11/08)
FIX: - Isotope Product Filters mobile - Pagination padding - Search result content display - JS error with demo iframes
2.5.0 (2021/11/03)
ADD: - 'Titles' Posts layout - 'Table' Posts layout - Performance Options (on-demand JS & CSS, Defer CSS, Fonts, Disable and Optimize) - Marquee Headings - Rotating Headings - Skew Fx on Scroll - Textual and Underline Buttons - Spinning Images - Custom Fields module - WooCommerce rating stars for Posts module - Core Settings panel (Disable Default Header, Simplify Single Block Tab) - New Wireframes IMPROVEMENTS: - Theme Options loading times - Markup optimization when elements not used - Automatic paragraphs with Content Blocks - My Account page responsive tables - LayerSlider moved to main ThemeForest package - WooCommerce 5.9 support - ContactForm7 5.5 support FIX: - Sticky elements with First Row Header and Footer z-index issue - Sticky elements position with transparent Headers - Social Icons in Footer - Mobile Menu issue on scroll with Lateral menu on desktop - Overlay Menu opacity with custom background colors - Secondary images transitions with Async or Dynamic SrcSet - Menu border on mobile visible when the Dropdown Menu is closed - Dynamic Heading on Taxonomy pages - Isotope columns calculation - Check for portfolio CPT warning - iLightBox deep-link behaviour - iLightBox and Privacy Plugin modal Android - Border color on transparent navbar on mobile - Scroll to section on load - WooCommerce Short Description formatting with Product Builder - Dynamic SrcSet better check for image size - Dark Skin color Selects (Windows) - PHP 8 round value with SVG Menu fatal error - PHP warning in Product search results - PHP warning in WooCommerce pages UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.5.0 - Uncode Wireframes 1.3.0 - Revolution Slider 6.5.9 (2021/08/16)
ADD: - Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6 FIX: - Sticky Page Header z-index UPDATE: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.5.6 (2021/08/02)
ADD: - Compatibility with new PayPal button for WooCommerce IMPROVEMENTS: - Dynamic Background on Content Blocks when used in page content - Avoided invalid arguments during update process FIX: - Submenu position with enhanced style - Margin in lists - Ken Burns and Zoom Out - Footer position with Slides Scroll - Mobile menu issue on Safari for desktop devices - LocalStorage issue on iFrames (2021/07/22)
FIX: - Logo mobile visibility issue
- Overlay Menu on Onepage layout - Menu vertical borders missing - Hide Copyright Area from Theme Options UPDATE: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.5.5
2.4.0 (2021/07/21)
ADD: - Compatibility with WordPress 5.8 - Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.5 - New Dynamic Srcset Images system - New Background Color Changer on scroll - New Color Picker for Page Builder - New Parallax animations for Column, and some modules - New Vertical Element module (Text and Social) - New special Cursors for pages - New special Cursors for Posts, Media Gallery - New Megamenu style - New Magnetic effect on mouse move for Images and Backgrounds - New Menu Badges - New style for Privacy Banner - Overlay Menu with logo - Overlay Menu custom Background and Opacity - Overlay and Off-Canvas Menu Transparent Sticky option - Posts module Carousel Dots position and padding - Posts module Meta typography options - Posts module 1/5 Width Size - Updated Icon List (socials) - Hide Back To Top in Page Options - Text Icon shortcode - Contact Form 7 inset button style - Add to Cart Button inherited styles from columns - Diffuse Shadows preset in Theme Options - Dynamic options for Buttons in Theme Options - Typography options for Filtering Menu in Theme Options - Various Hooks IMPROVEMENTS: - Various scripts and code optimisation - Better Carousel initialisation - Headings Animations - Share and Tags position - Add to Cart notices - List module font size - Copyright module font size - Avatar image size - Category badges style on Posts module - Do_Action module independent from WooCommerce - Copyright area global option - Removed old platform from share links - Widget filter dropdown animation - Background repeat in Page Options - Firefox cookie issue - Various layout adjustments - Comment Form new inline layout - ManageWP and multisite Uncode Core update compatibility with Hook FIX: - Paragraphs added by TinyMCE around WPBakery modules - Footer on Firefox with Slides Scroll - Isotope with Carousels inside thumbs - Font loading on Safari and Isotope layout issues - Shadows for thumbs without background color - Quote element Skin - Button linked to Galleries - Button inherited styles - Remove content padding issues - Copyright position on lateral menus - Footer with Off-Canvas menu - Social icons animation - Border radius on secondary images - Scroll to section with carousels on page - Center Split Menu dropdown UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.4.0 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.7.0 - Uncode Privacy 2.1.3 - Revolution Slider 6.5.4 (2021/04/14)
- Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.0 (bump version for WooCommerce template)
- LayerSlider 6.11.7 (2021/04/12)
FIX: - WooCommerce messages on custom login pages
- WooCommerce filters on tablets in landscape view
- Z-index issue between Overlay Menu and Call To Action button - Image size on Icon Box module - Custom class on Breadcrumbs module IMPROVEMENTS: - Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.0 - Compatibility with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin UPDATE: - Uncode Core - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.6.0 - Revolution Slider 6.4.6 - VC Clipboard 4.5.8 (2021/03/17)
FIX: - Dependencies on Theme Options - WooCommerce advanced quantity input steps - Inverted Columns and nested Inner Rows - Accordion module UI on Safari UPDATE: - Uncode Core - Revolution Slider 6.4.4
2.3.6 (2021/03/09)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 - New color palette matching WordPress 5.7
- Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.0 - Icon-Box module custom CSS class to main wrapper - VC Clipboard tooltip on paste action - Dividers icon line height - Block Editor Social icons sizes - Block Editor Font sizes in code and lists ADDED: - WooCommerce Opening Hours plugin compatibility - Filter `uncode_meta_viewport` for meta viewport FIX: - Emoji Mobile Menu hiccup on iOS - Add to Cart notification on mobile - Lateral menu responsiveness, visibility and current item on load - Persistence of hidden submenus on large screens - Checkout page and Side-Cart option with quick order forms - WPML media better check - Carousels with Lateral Thumbs - Gradient Picker minor issues - Slider input style - Image caption line height - Do Action module - Feature Media uploader on user profile admin displayed on the front end - Menu layout dependency on Theme Options - Select dropdown appearance in Page Builder UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.6 - Revolution Slider 6.4.3 - Layer Slider 6.11.6
2.3.5 (2021/02/12)
IMPROVEMENTS: - WPML compatibility with Section names - Onepage active link on submenus - Better formatting on Icon Box - Telephone field for Team Members FIX: - Main Menu Hide transition with Chrome 88 - Author Profile Avatar empty link - Footer width with Scroll Snap - Wishlist and Account icon position - Center Split Javascript error - WooCommerce filters on tablets - WP 5.6 minor adjustments - WooCommerce Gallery Images sizes - Background videos placeholder on Firefox Android - Page Options on load Safari - Frontend Editor columns update - Backend Editor better empty element UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.5 - Revolution Slider 6.3.9 - Layer Slider 6.11.5
2.3.4 (2021/01/12)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Countdown updated and better targeted - MouseWheel on Lightbox - More accurancy with Post filters and advanced query ADDED: - 'uncode_disable_random_posts_on_related' filter FIX: - Scroll to section position - Anchor link and IE11 compatibility - jQuery Easing conflict - Gutenberg and cropped images - Gutenberg Content Width - Translatable strings - Alt text with missing poster images - Text linked color on Dark Skin - Rate Stars position on Product Widgets - Accordions and sticky element position - WooCommerce placeholder with protected servers - Error when product gallery has duplicates - Compatibility with Product Tabs Manager for WooCommerce plugin - Sliding reverse text animation UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.4 - Revolution Slider 6.3.5
2.3.3 (17/12/2020)
FIX: - jQuery Easing on mobile menu - Scroll to section position on mobile - Trailing slash issue on Uncode Core localization path UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.3 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.5.0
2.3.2 (14/12/2020)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Product gallery captions - Avoid nested Inner Rows on Frontend Builder FIX: - iLightbox compatibility - jQuery 3.x compatibility - Icon Box formatting - Product variable image with multiple single products UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.2 - Revolution Slider 6.3.3 - jQuery Easing 1.4.1
2.3.1 (4/12/2020)
ADD: - WordPress 5.6 compatibility - PHP 8 compatibility IMPROVEMENTS: - Default Shop and Product Archives titles - Link to the Cart page when Side-cart cannot be open - Slides Scroll on Firefox - Added 'font-display:swap' for Uncode Icon Fonts - DatePicker and TimePicker styles - Smooth scroll calculation on mobile - Smooth scroll can be stopped now by the user before reaching the target - My Account notice messages - Facebook and Instagram oEmbeds removed (WordPress) - Posts module Off-Grid forced on secondary rows FIX: - Conflict between Gutenberg and Frontend Page Builder - Related items amount - Frontend Page Builder width when Theme Options main width is in percentage - Vertical alignment on Firefox mobile - Hide Quick View icon where not requested - Cart icon on Overlay Center Menu in edge cases - JS issue with Headings on Content Slider - Accordions in Page Header on mobile devices - Icon Box text formatting - Add To Cart url issue - Secondary Image on Metro layouts - Gallery Albums and WPML - Loading error when a Post Module is among the Search Results content - Off-Canvas Menu z-index issue on Chrome - iLightbox returned an error when no URL was set - 'nextpage' shortcode UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.1 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.4.2 - Revolution Slider 6.3.2 (21/10/2020)
FIX: - Notice message on Media loops (19/10/2020)
FIX: - Conflict between JetPack Image Accelerator and Product Variations - Product Variations thumbnail with Adaptive Images - Overlay Menu and Onepage layouts on mobile devices - Posts module Read More button link with Lightbox setting UPDATE: - Uncode Core (16/10/2020)
FIX: - JavaScript error for 'querySelectorAll' with element null in Header (15/10/2020)
ADD: - Ability to disable Product Image Zoom on mobile - Compatibility between iLightbox and Windows Surface
IMPROVEMENTS: - Search form typography on mobile - DNT query var to Vimeo videos printed by Page Builder modules
FIX: - FrontEnd Builder and Full-Width Rows with Portfolio Details - Dynamic Product description in edge cases - Mobile Menu height and smoothness on open - Mobile Menu skin - Posts module with single post - Conflict between new Search Icon menu and menus with burger icon - Avoid srcset attribute with Adaptive Images - Catalogue Mode and non-WooCommerce buttons - Content Padding on all the columns of the first row - AJAX add to cart link to cart page from Single Product
UPDATE: - Uncode Core (08/10/2020)
FIX: - Password Protected content
- Inner Row warning (width globals)
- Parent and Sub-Categories on Page Builder Query
- Page Builder UI buttons overflow
- Uncode Core (06/10/2020)
ADD: - Compatibility WooCommerce 4.6 (RC1) FIX: - Onepage menu with Menu Sticky not Shrink - Prevent Related Products from being shown twice in some scenarios - Horizontal center menu color Skins - Minor CSS fix in Contact Forms - Side-Cart not included when the Menu Cart Icon is not enabled
- Frontend Editor 'Backend' and 'Update' buttons text
- Uncode Core
2.3.0 (05/10/2020)
ADD: - WooCommerce Product Builder - Quick-View for WooCommerce products - Widgets collapsible - Catalog Mode - Cart modules - Checkout module - My Account module - Account Forms module - Uncode Do Action module - Product Gallery module - Portfolio Details module - Breadcrumbs module - Product Meta module - YITH WooCommerce Wishlist support - Side-Cart - Secondary Featured Image - Posts module Taxonomy Query - Posts module Advanced filters (Categories, Ordering, Widgets Content Block) - Posts and Media Gallery modules new filters options - WooCommerce Quantity Input new style - Accordion module new options - Tabs module new options - Special search for products - Search Icon on Mobile menu - Search Overlay on mobile devices - Account Icon - Contact Forms styles - New Posts aspect ratios - New attachment option for Sticky elements - Most Recommended Posts widget and module - Sorting widget module - Products Rating widget module - Recent Reviews widget module - Product Categories widget module - Product Informations widget module - Price Filter widget module - Layered Nav widget module - Cart widget module - Back to Top button border-radius - Content by Content Blocks - Rank Math headings SEO check compatiblity IMPROVEMENTS: - First Row as Header - 'Added to Cart' notifications - 'Add to Cart' button style - 'Clear Reset' button on variable products - Advanced WooCommerce queries for the Posts module - Dynamic Options added to several modules - Search Overlay with different menu layouts - Product Image Zoom interactivity - Previous/Next arrows on post pagination - WooCommerce Notices style - Font sizes normalisation - Up-Sells products - Custom text on External Product button - Typography on Tabs and Accordions - Video loop on iLightbox - Post reading time new calculation - RTL support - Optimisation with WooCommerce not active - New sections in the Support page - New YouTube API code and filter - Counter badge for Uncode's plugins to update FIX: - Waypoint issue on small elements in Header Content Sliders - Opacity of the first active slide of a carousel with Slides Scroll page - Z-Index issue and Off-Canvas menu - Button skins on post module - Alt tags on Before/After module images - Gradients for posts with overlay color - 'wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields' hook parameters - CSS animations missing on some modules - SVG logo without width and height - Category page header dynamic background - Menu lateral on the right side - iFrame support for iLightbox - iLightbox and touch devices - Menu Burger icon breakpoint - Overlay categories with meta activated on Posts module - Text animation on Edge and Internet Explorer - Wrong width for the Lateral Menu on Chrome for Windows - Pie Charts inside Tabs and Accordions - Custom inline CSS on some Page Builder modules - Filters with multiple Media Gallery on the same page - WooCommerce comments pagination - Categories on Posts with Overlay Layout - Read More style options - Issue with Offcanvas Menu aligned to the left - Dynamic update of the dropdown select in the Theme Options - Order of the reviews in the Product Reviews module - Center Split menu with Logo only CHANGES: - Compatibility with jQuery 3.0 - Removed translations - 'Basic Header' renamed 'Default Header' UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.3.0 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.4.1 - Uncode Privacy 2.1.2 - Uncode Wireframes 1.2.0 - Revolution Slider 6.2.23 (19/08/2020)
ADD: - Compatibility WooCommerce 4.4.0
FIX: - Wrong cropped images with WooCommerce
UPDATED: - WooCommerce 4.4.0 templates - Slider Revolution 6.2.21 (14/08/2020)
FIX: - Single Block tab select dropdown properties UPDATED: - Slider Revolution 6.2.19 - Uncode Core (10/08/2020)
ADD: - Compatibility WordPress 5.5 - Compatibility WooCommerce 4.3 FIX: - Removed old jQuery methods - WooCommerce Mini-Cart and WordPress 5.5 - Color Select Dropdown on touch devices UPDATED: - Uncode Core - Uncode Page Builder (WPBakery Page Builder) 6.2.0 - Slider Revolution 6.2.17 - Layer Slider 6.11.2 (31/03/2020)
FIX: - Gravatar on Author Page Builder module
2.2.8 (31/03/2020)
ADD: - Compatibility WordPress 5.4
IMPROVEMENTS: - Block Editor (Gutenberg) styles - Theme Options styles - Featured Image compatibility with new WP method
FIX: - Mobile menu and focus on Search form
UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.2.8 - Google Fonts list
2.2.7 (10/03/2020)
ADD: - Compatibility WooCommerce 4.0
IMPROVEMENTS: - Admin UI style - New filter 'uncode_related_post_types' - Accordion interactivity
FIX: - Page category on Post module with Overlay content - Mobile menu icon with Center Split menu
UPDATE: - Slider Revolution 6.2.2 - LayerSlider 6.10.2
2.2.6 (20/12/2019)
ADD: - Backend/Frontend Edit quick button for Content Blocks and Pages IMPROVEMENTS: - Backend UI styles - Single product layout adjustments - Content width option removed if not necessary - Onepage and Slides Scroll dots clickable area - Media Layout dropdown options moved to Theme Options and Page Options - Theme Options order and hierarchy FIX: - Carousels on Frontend Editor - Sticky column on Frontend Editor - Row height resize during scroll - TinyMCE on Theme Options saved with AJAX - ReCaptcha style - Center Double Menu on mobile devices - Center Menu on mobile now scrolls when it is open - Social Icons in Center Split Menu - Columns with shadows and border radius - Revolution Slider edit link destination - TinyMCE shortcuts UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.2.4 - Uncode Page Builder (Visual Composer) 6.1.0 - Slider Revolution 6.1.5
2.2.4 - 2.2.5 (19/12/2019)
NOTE: - These versions have minor glitches, all changes are referenced in the 2.2.6
2.2.3 (13/11/2019)
FIX: - WordPress 5.3 broken images and logo - Incorrect Pagination on the homepage - Incorrect URL of WooCommerce thumbnails UPDATE: - Revolution Slider 6.1.4 - Uncode Dave’s WordPress Live Search 1.0.4
2.2.2 (04/11/2019)
ADD: - Compatibility PHP 7.4 - Compatibility WordPress 5.3 - Compatibility WooCommerce 3.8 CHANGES: - Icon Box module new Text tab FIX: - Block Editor (Gutenberg) minor fixes - Frontend Editor with Block Editor (Gutenberg) - Accordion Controls in VC Frontend Editor - Headers sent twice on Frontend editor in edge cases - Instagram and iLightbox compatibility - iOS13 and iLightbox compatibility - Scroll issue on mobile devices - Thumbnails on variable products - Cart widget products removal - Missing CSS classes from mini-cart - JS issues when the theme is included in an iFrame - Posts Pagination on homepage - Textual Carousel alignment and full-width layout - Portfolio detail URL link - Thumbnails for oEmbed media on Albums Gallery - Color Dropdown Windows UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.2.2
2.2.1 (21/10/2019)
ADD: - Compatibility with upcoming WP 5.3 IMPROVEMENTS: - Adaptive Images - Info Box module for custom post type without taxonomy - Justify Gallery responsiveness FIX: - Justify Gallery on Frontend Editor - Tracking Code with script tag included - Widget title filter - VC Particles z-index and width - CSS class with Redirect option article tag - CSS animation on Share module UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.2.1 - VC Clipboard
2.2.0 (14/10/2019)
ADD: - Frontend Editor - Native Related Posts - Metadata attachment option for Adaptive Images - Custom ID option to Page Builder modules - ACE highlighting in Theme Options JavaScript - 'Inverted device order' option in Row - Font style and letter spacing option for Counters - Slider dots and navigation new options - Copyright module Automatic Text - LinkedIn link setting field in user/author profile page - Icon Box module new absolute position - Support for new Gutenberg modules - WooCommerce single product Ajax 'Add to Cart' option - Script wrapper if missing on Tracking/Custom JS options - Self-Hosted Videos and Audio filter - Static file URLs filter - Sticky elements flickering on Safari for desktop devices - Ability to disable Widget titles in Page Builder modules IMPROVEMENTS: - Theme Options, Page Options and Page Builder UI - Localisation files updated and fixed for Uncode Core - Content Block list ordered by name in Page Builder - Removed footer from Content Block preview - Media Icon size - Carousel arrows tap on mobile - Coming Soon redirect - Heading module adjustments - Allowed span tag in Custom Headings - Vertical rhythm on lists - Feather Icons update - Better oEmbed styles in Media Library - Google Fonts library updated - Hook for self-hosted Lightbox and embed videos - Hook to disable media filtering on galleries - Hook to remove Related Products - Removed deprecated WC elements - Font style on GDPR plugin - Registration form styles - Removed WPBakery Page Builder from the theme's package - Hide WooCommerce fields from Query Builder when not required FIX: - Removed simplify control in Custom CSS tab in Page Builder - Long URL issue in Custom Link fields - Portfolio details target attribute - Header Center-Double custom padding - Off-Canvas Sticky menu on mobile - SVG dividers markup - Avoid "p" tag issue on switching between editors - WPML fix for after Content Block empty - Empty Space module default value - Custom link on Media Gallery randomly ordered - Empty Content Width value issue - Header background missing - SVG Media issue when sizes are missing - Safari RGBA issue with gradients - 404 page typo - AJAX cart warning in edge cases - Post module with hidden products - Testimonials/Quote carousels alignment and typography - Live search overflow in product search - Deprecated warning for WP 5.3+ - Adaptive Images for WP 5.3+ - Forms placeholders Skin color - Menu letter spacing option - Menu extra top space on mobile devices - Menu mobile closing on `orientationchange` event - Text domain on Page Builder templates - Fixed background in Columns and Inner Columns CHANGES: - Removed Related Posts for WordPress from the recommended plugins - Removed Dave's WordPress Live Search from the recommended plugins - Removed VC Particles Background from the recommended plugins UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.2.0 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.5 - Revolution Slider 6.1.3 - Layer Slider 6.9.2 - Uncode Wireframes 1.1.0 - WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Clipboard - WPML config file - WooCommerce 3.7.0
2.1.0 (12/06/2019)
ADD: - Uncode Wireframes Plugin IMPROVEMENTS: - Demo Content available for registered users only - Menu Skin coloration with multiple header columns - Pricing tables style - Tabs style - Slides Scroll and active link with absolute URL - Posts module pagination history option - Page Builder Button module 'rel' attribute - Lateral menu behaviour - Async Image placeholder class - WPML and Uncode WPBakery Page Builder compatibility - WP Rocket compatibility - Uncode Privacy plugin conflicts with 'nonce' - Backend UI adjustments FIX: - Icon Box width - Icon Box title height on mobile - Icon Box Media size option - Content width and Gutenberg - Search results page double title - Read more button style - Column responsiveness edge cases - Center Split Menu on tablets landscape mode - Background videos double tag 'loop' - Single Image with no media - Mobile pinch to zoom - Contact Form text alignment - Dynamic CSS small tweaks UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.1.0 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3 - Uncode Privacy 2.1.0 - Layer Slider 6.8.4
2.0.3 (18/04/2019)
ADD: - Logo Mobile - Custom Title and Subtitles for general archives - Option to remove Navbar from single pages and posts - Option to remove Pagination from main archive pages - Body Font Weight - Large Text option - History on NavBar click for One Page layouts - New Max Input Vars check system and safe Theme Options saver IMPROVEMENTS: - Enabled AJAX Theme Options by default - Page Builder UI styles - Margin for Contact Forms buttons - WooCommerce Payment methods icon my account page - Checkout styles on mobile - XSS security with Tooltips - uncode_breadcrumbs_home_url() to filter Breadcrumbs Home url - Pie Chart speed - Avoid to check for available fonts when not necessary - Remove burger with empty menus - Keep Privacy page out from Coming Soon mode FIX: - Network (Multisite) possible issues - Performance on page scroll with many tabs - Menu sticky on mobile not sticky on loading and offset issue with inner links - Reverse columns padding - WooCommerce Double hooks - Product categories on Posts Overlay - Ken Burns glitch with framed layout - Slide Scroll and mouse-wheel scroll on Chrome - Preserve heading tags in Custom Headings - Portfolio layout on edge cases - No padding option on Single Image - Internet Explorer overflow on parallax basic header - Post Content width on mobile - Lateral menu alignment on Firefox - Icon box content with tags different the paragraph - Split Menu on page resize - Internet Explorer bug with Parallax and Ken Burns together - Hidden product still visible in Post Module - Framed layout and Slide Scroll small glitch on mobile - Avoid empty classes in Icon Box content UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.0.3 - Layer Slider 6.8.2 - WooCommerce 3.6.0
2.0.2 (28/02/2019)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Registration failure messages - Animated Headings performance on window resize - Sidebar select on Theme Options - WooCommerce checkout and account layout - WPML button shortcode compatibility - Counters on Content Sliders - Testimonial layout FIX: - Registration button - Registration check on local and particular domains - Slides Scroll on Firefox - Slides Scroll inner navigation on mobile - Buttons Flat Hover - Buttons Shadows UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.0.2 - Slider Revolution
2.0.1 (25/02/2019)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Dynamic CSS default values - Pagination on search result page FIX: - Ability to hide copyright area from vertical menus - Video background interactions - Single Layout importer - Product Registration domains checks
- Linear Gradients
- Animated Heading resize UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.0.1
- LayerSlider 6.8.1 - WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Clipboard 4.5.1
2.0.0 (21/02/2019)
ADD: - New Demo Contents - PHP 7.3 compatibility - Advanced animated Headings effects - Highlighting Headings Shortcode effect - Blend Mode for overlay (backgrounds and thumbnails) - Horizontal Center Double Menu layout - Info Box Module - Socials Icons module - Copyright module - Ability to disable Copyright Area on Footer - Icon box hover effects - Zoom Out effect - Autoplay background self-hosted video for mobile devices - Steps SVGs Shape Dividers - Gradient SVGs Shape Dividers - Masonry Off-Grid option - Thumbnails bordered and coloured overlay categories - Thumbnails "Read more" custom text - Thumbnails "Show All" filter custom text - Thumbnails button custom size - Thumbnails new separator style - Thumbnails author qualification field - Thumbnails image animation on mouse move - Thumbnails Alternate style Add To Cart button - Thumbnails WooCommerce inline price - Thumbnails Limit-Width content - Carousel semi-transparent on not active items - Carousel scale on not active items - Carousel animation on first items set only - Carousel dots position options - Single Media Custom title, subtitle and caption - Contact Form underline option on Page Builder module - Parallax and Ken Burns on Default Header Carousels - Automatic Heading Text (Excerpt option) - Ability for editors and authors to add Multimedia - Improved Registration System - Ability to enable Parallax effect on mobile - Deprecated functions notice - Russian translations - 'uncode_self_video_src' filter to replace background videos - 'uncode_filter_for_translation' filter to translate footer content - 'uncode_archive_subtitle' filter to manage archive subtitles - 'uncode_display_category_icon' filter to manage the descriptive icon on categories - 'uncode_display_tag_icon' filter to manage the descriptive icon on tags - 'uncode_block_mobile_videos' filter to block video backgrounds on mobile - 'uncode_mobile_parallax_allowed' filter to allow parallax on mobile - 'uncode_mobile_no_bounce' filter to stop bounce effect when scroll on mobile - 'uncode_vc_socials' filter to manage the social list on Page Builder module - 'uncode_default_post_type_archive' filter to manage Post Type with the Automatic Query - 'uncode_woocommerce_breadcrumbs' filter to print default WooCommerce breadcrumbs IMPROVEMENTS: - Moved Theme Options and other functions to Uncode Core - New update system - New Envato requirements compliancy - WPML compatibility - Removed Smooth Scroller - Moved Premium Plugins outside the theme - WordPress 5.0 (Gutenberg) improved options and compatibility - Better default Theme Options on first installation - Skipped update notices from Premium Plugins - Better use of global variables - Removed "remove_filter" occurrences - Added support for logo Customizer - Added Custom Headers support - Removed inline single statements - Better escaping for strings - Removed Plugin Activation issues - Better System Status page - System Status page capabilities - Check PHP version if earlier than 5.6 - Removed WPBakery Page Builder menu for non admin users - Removed default header image - CSS rebuilding during Uncode update - Overlay menu space and paddings - Removed CSS vendor prefixes from stylesheets - Google Storage plugin check for Adaptive Images - Performance improvements for author profile queries - Better estimated time function for not latin characters - Autoplay self-hosted videos on Chrome - Removed schema.org attributes when not necessary - File optimisation - qTranslate support - I Recommend This better queries - Theme Options AJAX save enabled by default - TypeKit to Adobe Fonts migration - Better timeouts for Isotope - iLightbox Self-Hosted video loop - Removed font weight by default from filters - Dot activation on scroll event on Scroll Snap - Better scroll to section with lateral panels - Progress Bar proportions - Poster Image alt tag for videos - Checkbox look - Content Slider dots behaviour - Breadcrumbs off by default - Removed Google Plus from socials - Removed Google Plus from Lightbox socials - Removed ability to download videos from iLightbox - RTL forms - WooCommerce default hooks - WooCommerce badge font consistency - Woocommerce srcset and sizes attributes - WooCommerce queries performance improvements FIX: - Avoided not numeric values on Adaptive Images calculations - Escaped strings and dynamic data - Fixed text-domain for localisation - Fixed warning on team social URLs when scheme is missing - Removed Jetpack Related Posts function - Custom CSS with Content Block in header or footer - Fixed JS errors on Customizer page - Color dropdown on category admin pages - Shadow on hover for thumbs - Ken Burns effect glitches - Parallax half pixel issue on Chrome - Slides Scroll glitches with header background - Slides Scroll hash link when url is available - Slides Scroll wrong height of the content container on Firefox - Slides Scroll empty space below the footer with framed layout - Slides Scroll Ken Burns glitch with framed layout - Fix author description - Title on product categories with subcategories only - Sidebar size on portfolio items - Internet Explorer and Edge on vertical alignment for carousel and metro - Single product image size on full width layout - Google Maps missing argument - Carousels on RTL - Submenus with RTL - Frame layout margin - Minor issue on Theme Options UI - Counter start issue - Lateral thumbs on responsive mode - Before and After issue with Async Images - Image uploader in category admin pages - Show portfolio categories in Gutenberg - Double logo with animated SVG - Self-Hosted video autoplay issues on Chrome - Isotope filters font family - Privacy Plugin RTL - Privacy Plugin checkbox color - WooCommerce cropping image issue - WooCommerce external images on products - WooCommerce placeholder - WooCommerce W3C validator issue - WooCommerce string translation inconsistency UPDATE: - Uncode Core 2.0 - Uncode WPBakery Page Builder 5.7 - Uncode Privacy 2.0 - Slider Revolution - WooCommerce 3.5.5
1.9.3 (04/12/2018)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Gutenberg compatibility - WPML compatibility FIX: - Firefox mobile vertical alignments UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.7.3 - WooCommerce 3.5.2 - WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.6
1.9.2 (31/10/2018)
IMPROVEMENTS: - Adaptive Images on Firefox - Adaptive Images on Carousels in column - Add to Cart shortcode Button style - Removed Recommend This script if not activated - Test Memory on System Status - New CSS classes for Posts module Default Meta - WPML compatibility FIX: - Slides Scroll links with hashtags - Nested links on post dates - iOS bouncing on iLightbox - iLightbox issue with Query String - Adaptive Images ratio in edge cases - WooCommerce image link if image is external - WooCommerce native placeholders - Sidebar size on portfolio items - Mobile Box Container became larger than its content UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.7.2 - WooCommerce 3.5.0 - WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.5.5
v1.9.1 (25/07/2018)
FIX: - Theme registration affecting speed performance - Category pages issue with WooCommerce active - Vanilla version (no jQuery dep.) for Adaptive Images - Improved Adaptive Images value calculations - Improved compatibility with PHP 7.1+
- No auto-update notices for Premium Plugins - Notices on Author pages when no posts are available
- Parameter 'muted' self-hosted videos
- Content Width for Post Types
- Notice on LayerSlider auto-update
- Filters to edit heading and subheading content
- Firefox ASYNC images transition improved UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.7.1 - WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Clipboard 4.5.0
v1.9.0 (09/07/2018)
ADD: - Call To Action Menu - Gutenberg compatibility FIX:
- Section custom slug (translatable tooltips on OnePage and Slides Scroll layouts)
- Security checks on AJAX calls
- WordFence compatibility - WooCommerce badge on default product archives - Image ratio on GDPR placeholders - IE11 figure tag - Matrix issue when has an empty value - OffCanvas menu on RTL sites - SVG animation on new Chrome version - Custom Post Names in loops - Footer links on Chrome - WPML shortcode compatibility - Row inner styles - Validation issues - Share links when URLs have extra parameters - Plugins Update page style UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.7.0 - Slider Revolution 5.4.8 - WooCommerce 3.4.1 templates - Uncode Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.5.2
v1.8.2 (28/05/2018)
ADD: - Uncode Privacy Plugin - WordPress 4.9.6 support - WooCommerce 3.4 support FIX: - Page Builder WPML compatibility - Overlay menu with Slides Scroll - Chrome autoplay videos - Demo Contents custom URLs - Response time on external video request UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.6.2 - Slider Revolution - LayerSlider 6.7.6
v1.8.1.1 (27/04/2018)
FIX: - New Vimeo API
- CSS Editor
- Comment authors link with no-follow UPDATE: - Slider Revolution
v1.8.1 (20/04/2018)
ADD: - New Server Memory Limit calculator FIX: - Update Method - Deprecated the_widget() function - Off Canvas menu padding UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.6.1
v1.8.0 (18/04/2018)
ADD: - Section Dividers - RTL support - New Product Registration - Automatic Update tool - Horizontal menu position - WooCommerce VC 'Add to Cart' and 'Add to Cart URL' - WooCoomerce Number Of Products option FIX: - Slides Scroll and Scroll Snap empty footer - Slides Scroll issue on link hover - Slides Scroll on IE 11 - Fullscreen button on Media Player - Column Parallax - Hash removal on iLightbox closing - Image in iLightbox disappeared on window resize - iLightbox stuck when opens at window loading - Border radius and box shadow on Single Media advanced settings - PHP 7.2 deprecated functions - WPML and Content Blocks compatiblity - Mobile menu search on edge cases REMOVED: - Envato Toolkit Plugin UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.6.0
v1.7.6.1 (19/03/2018)
FIX: - Overlay Menu on resize - Ratio with ASYNC Adaptive Images IMPROVED: - JavaScript animations performance with RequestAnimationFrame
v1.7.6 (14/03/2018)
FIX: - Single Product with Visual Composer Limit Width - iLightbox title and caption in galleries triggered by buttons - Video with iLightbox opened from Content Slider - Scroll Snap footer with solid and fixed header - Menu Limit Width on archives and 404 - Avatar output PHP notice - Removed Live Search from Overlay Search - Carousel with vertical align gap - WooCommerce shop image default ratio - WooCommerce subcategories - WooCommerce product ID on loops IMPROVED: - New hook ‘uncode_block_data_content’ to filter excerpts on loops - Replaced deprecated WooCommerce functions - XSS issue on async post - Envato Hosted improved compatibility - Compatibility with PHP 7.2 UPDATED: - Uncode Core 1.5.3 - Uncode Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.4.7 - LayerSlder 6.7.1
v1.7.5 (23/02/2018)
FIX: - Removed 'uncode_gallery' from Posts Module - WooCommerce display categories and subcategories issue - WooCommerce Content Limit Width on products - Empty space below slider in edge cases - Google Maps pin marker title attribute - Inner Mobile menu on Slides Scroll - Post module labels IMPROVED: - Transparent header for LayerSlider UPDATE: - WooCommerce 3.3.3 templates - LayerSlider 6.7.0 - Slider Revolution - Font Awesome
v1.7.4 (09/02/2018)
FIX: - iLightbox navigation issue - IE/Edge radio buttons - Media gallery custom link - Theme Option panel “Save Layout” button - WooCommerce image settings conflicts - WooCommerce select boxes on widgets - WooCommerce checkout button and error list style IMPROVED: - Slides Scroll internal links - WooCommerce hooks on single product - Communication on register product UPDATED: - WooCommerce 3.3.1 templates - POT files
v1.7.3 (01/02/2018)
FIX: - WooCommerce Carousel with iLightbox - WooCommerce 3.3.0 compatibility
- Role Manager for Gallery UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.5.2 - Revolution Slider 5.4.7
1.7.2 (30/01/2018)
ADD: - Live Search option for Search Widgets FIX: - iLigthbox on mobile (fullscreen, half-opacity etc.) - Lateral menu open conflict - PHP notices on sidebars and Uncode Core - List style in post content - Search icon position on search widgets - Highlighted links on One Page layout - Saving Roles for Custom Post Types on Visual Composer IMPROVED: - Media Type compatibility on Albums Gallery - Create new Layout on Theme Options panel - Removed asp_tags conflict for PHP earlier than 7.0 - Admin styles UPDATED: - Layer Slider 6.6.8 - Uncode Core 1.5.1 - Uncode Dave's WordPress Live Search 1.0.3
v1.7.1 (23/01/2018)
FIX: - Slides Scroll header/footer issue on FireFox - Slides Scroll external links with hashtag - Redirect Options page JavaScript error
v1.7 (23/01/2018)
ADD: - Slides Scroll & Scroll Snap - Ability to disable post navigation from single posts - Ken Burns effect on rows and columns - Double top space option for carousel dots - Galleries Manager & Albums - New Adaptive Images settings for mobile devices - New backend UI - Simple Scroll with "Disable History" option - Active item on vertical menu IMPROVED: - Related Post PRO compatibility - Removed empty tags on single posts/pages/portfolio - WooCommerce hook to turn carousel into grids - WooCommerce image ratio and crop - Minified CSS/JS file on admin - Minified CSS/JS file on admin - Removed update notification for bundled plugins - Not writable CSS file notification FIX: - WordPress 4.9 compatibility: deprecated functions, MediaElement.js, ColorPicker - WooCommerce 3.2 compatibility - WooCommerce single product shortcode layout - WooCommerce addons compatibility - Multiple author label on Theme Options - Buttons alignment on mobile devices - Column widths calculation - Compatibility with Formidable and WPForms styles - Tooltip effects on OnePage pagination bullets - Carousel autoplay - Tab history issues - Target blank for Button module - Target blank on post index for buttons - Get right archive link on breadcrumbs - Archive pagination permalinks - iLightbox option for title on icon boxes - iLightbox video autoplay fix - iLightbox on mobile devices - Vertical menu and footer issue - WPML compatibility - Video galleries alignment on Firefox - IE hover effect - New image calculation decimals - Better thumbnails in iLightbox - WooCommerce fix single product shortcode output - Sharing via email - Table layout in grids - Chrome compatibility - Social Share buttons UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.5 - Uncode Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.4.5 - Visual Composer Clipboard 4.1.1 - Revolution Slider - Layer Slider 6.6.7
v1.6.4.2 (28/11/2017)
UPDATE: - WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.5 (formerly Visual Composer)
- LayerSlider 6.6.4
v1.6.4.1 (17/11/2017)
FIX: - Background self-hosted video with WP 4.9
- Media Player visual issue with WP 4.9
- Colorpicker HEX selector issue with WP 4.9
- WooCommerce 3.2 templates update
UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.4.3
- WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.4 (formerly Visual Composer)
- Slider Revolution
- LayerSlider 6.6.2
- Visual Composer Clipboard 4.1.1
v1.6.4 (21/09/2017)
- Minor CSS fix with Sidebar Width
- Max Input Vars with real allowed values
- Slider Revolution 5.4.6
- Layer Slider 6.5.8
- Visual Composer Particles 1.3
v1.6.3 (10/08/2017)
- Pricing table button (padding and hover state)
- Sticky element together with sticky menu
- One page scroll on Internet Explorer 11
- Media Gallery "Single Block" tab
- Uncode Core 1.4.2
- LayerSlider 6.5.7
v1.6.2 (04/08/2017)
UPDATE: - Uncode Visual Composer 5.2.1
(fix an issue of Visual Composer with WP 4.8.1 text editor dropdowns)
v1.6.1 (02/08/2017)
FIX: - Switch WooCommerce description tab content on Variable products - WooCommerce group reset Post object - Carousel width on sidebar layouts - Text color on hover state for not horizontal menu sub-items - Row height on mobile - Sticky menu position on boxed layouts - Self-Hosted videos on Firefox IMPROVED: - Post Type detector on post-new.php - New theme version checker after update - Display Author profile even if no Posts are available - Escaped strings UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.4.1
v1.6.0 (19/07/2017)
ADD: - WooCommerce advanced layout options - WooCommerce Zoom and product image Carousel - WooCommerce Product Stack layout - WooCommerce Product Sticky sidebar - Icon Box Module options: linked heading and alignments - Tabs and Accordions History - Menu Shadows - Buttons Shadows - Menu Mobile Centered - Accent color for textual links - Icon size option on Overlay layouts - Dots and Arrows advanced option for Sliders - Lateral Thumb layout - Animated Menu dropdowns - New single_image_size option - Mini Cart Ajax product remove - Button Flat style on hover - Custom Button and form border width - Custom Button typography - Custom Button border radius - Column shadow options on Columns, Posts and Thumbs - Column Downward Off-Grid options - Z-index on Rows FIX: - Carousel Autoheight fix - Shrink Menu on Firefox - Fixed delay hiccup on horizontal Menus - PHP version compatibilities with product registration - Error 'disk_free_space' when function not available - Crossbrowser problem with self hosted video background size - Vimeo background removed UI - Self hosted video starts - Content Block custom Visual Composer style - Uncode index pagination issues - Gallery single Block modifications - Communicator path - Autoplay self hosted video in Chrome - Sticky Menu on mobile device after scroll up - Pagination urls - Issue with long post and cut lateral Menu - Related product issue when a Content Block was defined - Transparent Header with Uncode Slider - Content Block used as layout (global $post issue) - Post Type translatable - Ratio issue when height had decimals - Content Block on inner rows - Biggest on Button link - Lightbox appearing in Isotope after filtering - Tag-line text in post indexes - WooCommerce add-ons compatibility - Transparent Header - Vimeo as background fixes - Font loader - Responsive inner columns - Boxed lateral Menu on the right side - Burger Menu effect in Safari (and other minor glitches) - Romanian terms in loc. files - Transparent Header warning - Column background with custom width - Border radius on Safari for children element with background - Carousel stage-padding - Limit width with percentage in limited width row - Fixed wp_upload_dir issue on https protocol for some servers - Theme option image alignment - Off-Grid margins CHANGES: - WooCommerce login page adjustments - Contact Form loader - Metro and Masonry layout on mobile - WooCommerce hooks compatibility - New default font (SanFrancisco instead of Hind) - Single product image srcset - Removed WooCommerce info-schema - Multiple ajax calls on Visual Composer text modules - WP embed inside ‘uncode_the_content’ - Shiftable columns improved - Top Secondary Menu extra padding IMPROVED - WooCommerce strings - Max Input Vars better calculation on System Status UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.4 - Uncode Visual Composer 5.2 - Slider Revolution - Layer Slider 6.5.5
v1.5.1 (27/04/2017)
FIX: - WooCommerce 3.0.4 compatibility - WooCommerce Variable Product images - Menu Shrink with solid not transparent header - Manually entered fonts - Possible extra padding with Content Block VC - Possible error in the admin with PHP 5.4 and minors - Single Media shadow - Possible notices with additional fields - Possible notices when not logged as admin IMPROVED - Envato Toolkit required notice for Product Registration ADD: - Revolution Slider - Dave Live Search new version 1.0.1
v1.5.0 (20/04/2017)
ADD: - Mobile menu transparency - Matrix pattern for `Posts` module - Justified Gallery layout for Media Galleries - Carousel stage padding - `Author Profile` module for Visual Composer - Social contacts on user profile page - Featured media on user profile page - `Authors` tab in Theme Options > Layout - A new after content block to display an `Author Profile` box - Fluid layout for Metro and Carousels - Mobile responsive options on Visual Composer - Custom menu padding (desktop & mobile) - Print Styles (Chrome Browser) - License registration form - `uncode_vc_gallery_thumb_id` filter hook to vc_templates/vc_gallery.php - `uncode_media_attribute_title` filter hook to partials/elements.php - `uncode_media_attribute_excerpt` filter hook to partials/elements.php - Automatic Heading also available in page/post content - Quad and Triple padding for Posts - Featured Image used as Select Media substitute - WC-marketplace plugin compatibility - Option to remove menu padding also on mobile - New gap measures for isotope and carousel - Add new Google Fonts FIX: - Custom CSS after Install Demo process - Backend style improvements - Color dropdown in Visual Composer - Carousel stage-padding on mobile devices - Multiple animations for elements in sticky columns - Excerpts truncation and UTF-8 issue - WooCommerce compatibility with version 3.0 (and backward compatibility) - Compatibility Visual Composer Section module - Metabox styles for rtl users - Contact Form 7 buttons style - iLightbox with Infinite Scroll or AJAX pagination - Comment date format - Password protected products - Removed VC Grid post type and sub menu page - Single page carousel, media not found - WooCommerce single page broken when share deactivated - Media items loosing saved options - Wrong font face name in the dynamic CSS - Offcanvas and vertical menu on Firefox - Sticky mobile menu height calculation and scroll precision - Offcanvas menu height - Uncodefont CSS - Posts module query in search pages - Minor fixes CHANGES: - `Uncode Related Posts for WordPress` replaced by `Related Posts for WordPress` - Capitalized any occurrence of `Content Block` - New support links on backend IMPROVED - More precise image size for backrounds - 'Rel' attribute on custom links - Added all post images in Yoast SEO sitemap - Implement support for Amazon S3 CDN - fix print style - Removed Uncode Related Posts plugin and replaced with the original UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.3 - Uncode Visual Composer 5.1.1 - Revolution Slider 5.4.1 - Layer Slider 6.3.0
v1.4.2 (01/11/2016)
ADD: - Share and navigation theme options for CPT - Share theme options for WooCommerce product - ScrollTo speed options in theme options - Uncode help button on the WP Admin bar (it can be disabled inside Theme Options > Customize > Admin > Help Button In Admin Bar) FIX: - Blurred or wrong image size are loaded - Left space on the body when site loaded - Single CPTs layout from page options - Redefined all calculations with scrollto functions - Refresh Waypoints of elements after isotope filtering - iLightbox double elements when carousel with loop - iLightbox layout for media with caption - iLightbox single media connections - Removed extra space when using a page with a content block and set as default post WordPress > Settings > Reading - External URL images throughout all theme - WooCommerce variation product images switch - Optimised text gradient color - Error JS on page when using URL with hash value - Overlay menu close functionality - Overlay menu search box - CountUp animation for mobile - Tabs removed extra border on mobile - Empty images when translation plugin used - Adaptive Images on Twenty/Twenty plugin - Related Posts wizard installation error - Self video autoplay in lightbox on button and icon - Error in admin when media categories are empty - Safari 10 isotope blocks width rounding - Safari 10 logo image deformation with menu shrink - Firefox single media border - Internet Explorer JS error with resize - Android 4 general layout CHANGES: - Removed limitation for the limit width, if using BOXED layout under Theme Options > Layout > General - Rename Uncode admin ’Welcome’ page to ’System Status’ UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.2.2
v1.4.1 (11/10/2016)
ADD: - Twitter oEmbed to original style - Team members automatic user link when an internal URL is inserted - Support search with other plugins - Logo alternative text - Improved adaptive images system - Admin warning if max_input_vars not high enough FIX: - Posts module ’Default meta’ - Related post index creation - Error media location for older WP version - Horizontal menu on FF - Overlay menu opening and closing - Overall optimisation menu animations - Media disappear if language plugin installed - Logo image quality - Gif images used inside WooCommerce - Removed extra 'p' tag in footer - Facebook oEmbed right language - WooCommerce images for variable product - WooCommerce icon cart link to the right cart page - Workaround for Lambda error on some server - Moved body frame higher on the DOM - Admin css style imperfections - String translation with spaces UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.2.1
v1.4 (30/09/2016)
NEW: - Related posts - Menu layout 'Center Split' - Menu layout 'Offcanvas Center' - Menu items animation on mobile devices - Media gallery categories - Media gallery category filter - Media gallery random order - Posts module offset - Sticky menu on mobile devices - Hide menu on mobile devices - Body frame around the window - WooCommerce icon cart on mobile devices and overlay/offcanvas layout - Alternative style for input and forms elements - Support for CPT on theme options and post options - Support for custom fields in the Posts module of Visual Composer - Support for FaceBook posts in the media library - Support for WP Smush and the adaptive image system - Twenty Twenty (Before and After) module for Visual Composer ADD: - Team members automatic email link when email address is inserted - Support for WooCommerce taxonomy index layouts - Uncode icon font as WOFF2 - Admin, direct link to the relative Content Block - Admin, notification when the menu transparency is misconfigured FIX: - Portfolio single page navigation bar disappear in big screens - Lightbox when posts or gallery filtered - Multiple accordions compatibility - Google Maps API Key activation on theme options - WooCommerce My Account layout - WooCommerce sale badge on posts module for variable product - WooCommerce iLightbox in when changing the variable product image - WPML image title and alt text translatable - Section scroller jumps to wrong dot - Site parameters not defined with adaptive images OFF - JetPack related posts - HTTPS protocol for the media - Custom CSS in Visual Composer for Content Blocks - GForm shot code creation with Visual Composer - Swipe to change page - Youtube start time support - Selfhosted video loop - Automatic query on archive index - Admin UI adjustments UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.2 - Visual Composer 4.12.1 - Revslider 5.2.6 - LayerSlider 5.6.10 - Icon library
v1.3.3 (16/06/2016)
FIX: - WooCommerce compatibility with version 2.6 - WooCommerce template update - WooCommerce variation price - WooCommerce single product HTML syntax - Limit width in archive pages - Automatic header background media in content block for archives - CSS of vertical Tab in mobile - More space between social icons in overlay menu - Scroll to position - iLightbox layout for mobile - Youtube video as background - More link in posts index - Single image removed unnecessary HTML tags - JetPack related posts - Better performance in Theme Options loading and saving - Single media SVG in IE9 - Onepage navigation dots preventing for click under - Google Maps initialisation when div hidden - WooCommerce add to cart ajax when cart empty - Adaptive image async for GIF images - iLightbox title and caption for buttons - Sort option and post count for automatic archive posts module - UI in the admin menu creator ADD: - WooCommerce Sold Out badge in products index - Possibility to close opened accordion tab - Sticky on scroll option for rows and columns - WPML translatable Content Block on Theme Options UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.1.4 - Uncode Visual Composer 4.12 - Revslider - LayerSlider 5.6.8
v1.3.2 (29/04/2016)
NEW: - Xing social sharing FIX: - Archive for dates - iLightbox overlapping caption text on video - Visual Composer admin caching libs issue - Lateral SVG icon in the 'Icon Box' module - Possibility to switch overlay effect 3d/Flat - Grid column height on smaller viewport in Firefox - Removed outdates function 'get_currentuserinfo' from comments.php - Visual bug in menu and footer when added an empty social icon - Security improvement in font system - Removed plugins nag for users without the right permissions - Overlapping menu for tablet/mobile - Compatibility Visual Composer Single Image older content - Removed capitalize on input placeholder UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.1.3 - Visual Composer - Revslider 5.2.5
v1.3.1 (14/04/2016)
NEW: - Gradient colors - WooCommerce production mode assets - Button text skin color - Animations mobile - Media Gallery Carousel inner padding - WooCommerce Tag and Category string translation FIX: - Compatibility WP 4.5 - Sticky elements top space - Blogs words counter - Posts module excerpt text - Live search - Removed H5 tag in breadcrumb title UPDATE: - Uncode Core 1.1.2 - Visual Composer 4.11.2 - Revslider
v1.3 (04/03/2016)
NEW: - 6 more demo pages - Live search plugin - Social icon in menu - Overlay menu item description under the item - Overlay menu and search flat animation in/out - Breadcrumb on archives - Posts module automatic query for search results - Posts filter for custom taxonomies - Spacer element in posts module - Sticky filter in posts module - Lead text in posts module - Post tags option (both theme options and page options) - Added developers hooks for before and after post title in both header and body - Blur effect for Adaptive Images Asyncronomous - Pages index layout section in theme options - WooCommerce SALE badge in posts module - Footer copyright area for vertical menu in tablet and mobile - Lightbox options in button module - Posts/Media Gallery/Single image no double tap on mobile option FIX: - Sticky sidebar - Automatic query on archives - Layout search results when ’none’ - Automatic background for Content Block - Improved estimated reading time counter - Vimeo and self hosted video autoplay - Anchors scroll to and with offset for sticky menu - Boxed layout with offcanvas menu in Firefox and Internet Explorer - Translatable countdown module - Carousels autoplay - Smooth scroller - Icon box new line - WooCommerce quantity add to cart - WooCommerce variation images - WooCommerce cart and checkout layout UPDATE: - Uncode Core Plugin 1.1.1 - Visual Composer 4.11.1 - Revolution Slider 5.2.3
v1.2 (22/02/2016)
INCREASED OVERALL PERFORMANCE NEW: - Asynchronous adaptive image system - Content block for the content of archive pages - Content block for the header of archive pages - Featured media for category and custom text for header - Possibility of use content blocks inside the VC rows - Single post/portfolio and the breadcrumb navigation logic - Option for share module on single post/portfolio - Adjustable active and hover color for menu items - Adjustable menu font size - Adjustable submenu font size - Custom labels for CPT portfolio - Option to have scroll up arrow in mobile - Production mode for CSS and JS - Single products width in the products default template - Possibility to remove Google Map drag on mobile - Possibility to remove double tap for the Posts and Media gallery module in mobile - Error fallback with PHP version minor than 5.3 - Visual preview of the Content Blocks - Icon picker for icons in menu items - Single Media lightbox linkage option - SVG animation delay - Self-Hosted video, autoplay and loop - WPML file (wpm-config.xml) for translation of parts of the Theme Options - Language files (Italian, French, Hungarian) - Real memory available on the Welcome page - Custom Post Types support in the Posts module - Added more media ratio values - Added possiblity to color the Counter module - Plugin Visual Composer Clipboard - Plugin VC Particles Background FIX: - Google Maps responsivity - Full compatibility WPML plugin (WPML official certificate) - Visibility align options for overlay menu from admin - Added missing string for translation - Logo image responsivity - Redirect page options - Animated GIF - Background image and color when using redirect page - Uncode slider inside a column - Sidebar sticky with background - SVG picking up dimensions when uploaded in the media gallery - Lightbox correct size when used for the Button and Icon module - Fontsystem for PHP7 - Demo Import imporvments - WooCommerce 2.5 compatibility and ajax add to cart - Portfolio detail links open _blank - Autosave dynamic CSS after theme update - I recommend this when clicked disappear number - Better read measurements for single blog reading time UPDATE: - Visual Composer 4.10 - Revolution Slider 5.1.6 - Icon library
v1.1.1 (31/12/2015)
FIX: - Autoplay carousels - Pagination CSS - Multisite dynamic CSS - Comment form CSS - Typekit Font Family declaration
v1.1.0 (29/12/2015)
INFO FOR CHILD THEME USERS READ THIS. NEW: - Double Logo (for light and dark skin) - Logo menu height for mobile - Sticky sidebar - Autoplay for Content Slider - Animated SVG icons support - Custom font family in font stack - Standard typography font size options - Smooth scroller (Customize > General) - Possibility for comments in portfolio - Ajax add to cart for WooCommerce in single page - Option for choose compression for Adaptive image system - Menu alignments for Offcanvas - Option to have post title instead for prev/next button FIX: - Typekit CSS rendering frontend - Custom style automatic save after UPDATE: with Envato Toolkit - Fallback custom style creation for installation without permission to the file system - Improved functionality ’Import Demo’ - Rendering body class attribute - Rendering thumbnail for Vimeo in backend - Single image custom width with adaptive image system - Onepage scroll dot labels - Better logo resizing with adaptive image system - Google Maps empty map error - Footer compatibility for multi languages - Body background image rendering - Better compatibility custom style css - Slider Revolution compatibility with transparent menu - Index posts module when inserted in a post - Row and columns compatibility for VC extensions - Custom data for Redirect pages - Gravity Form CSS compatibility - WooCommerce rating system - WooCommerce UPDATE: files - iLightbox video dimensions - iLightbox close on stage click CHANGE: - First breakpoint for isotope archive form 1500px to 1400px - Added data caption for lightbox inside portfolio - Added possibility to add variables in string URL on external video (Youtube/Vimeo) - SVG in background - Added WooCommerce add-to-cart/external.php file - Added LinkedIn in share module for posts/portfolio - Removed post type label in breadcrumb UPDATE: - Visual Composer 4.9.1 - Revolution Slider 5.1.5 - Uncode Core 1.0.5 - Google Fonts list
NEW: - In One Click Demo add the possibility to import selective posts and pages FIX: - Posts module when used in the front page - Demo data import - Footer visibility with off canvas menu - Fallback with inline css of dynamic css creation for WP without direct access - General FIX: for WP without direct access - Transparent select color in the admin - JavaScript error when footer scroll up arrow not present UPDATE: - Uncode Core Plugin - Translation files
NEW: - Translation files - Translation files in Uncode Core plugin FIX: - Demo data import - Adjusted h5bp for better compatibility - Export function - Saving dynamic css files for all filesystem methods - Visibility stick menu option for off-canvas menu - Redundant posts in frontage when using empty content block - Notice error when poster of media not found - Notice error when menus not assigned UPDATE: - Uncode Core Plugin - Visual Composer - RevSlider Plugin - Demo content XML
FIX: - Demo data import - Removed php notice in single Portfolio - Adjusted comment block top padding in single post - Rendering custom JS theme options - Background video glitch CHANGE: - Moved folder for FontSquirrel web fonts to the upload folder - Isotope breakpoints in the default post index and archives - Removed data info for single post in archive index
NEW: - Random string function FIX: - Demo data import - iLightbox JavaScript error - Google Maps JavaScript cross browser - Carousel thumbnails and transition - Onepage dot navigation - Form button mobile mode - Responsive columns equal height - Header scroll down arrow fadein - Removed switch color menu glitch - Theme welcome page fields - Theme options 404 page Uncodeblock content - Button with iLightbox with media UPDATE: - Demo data
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